From Expat to Repat - Who Am I Now? with Brandi Lunn

Episode 74 - February 24th, 2022

From Expat to Repat…


Brandi and her husband spent over 10 years abroad, living in France and Germany, continuing to renew contracts and extend their adventure… But life became heavy and the pandemic put pressure where resilience once thrived. It left them asking if this was the life they still wanted.

We look back at her expat life, the person she became while living abroad, and the challenge of moving back home to a life that doesn’t quite fit anymore, making her look back to her European life with rose colored glasses.


While mourning the place she left behind, there is a silver lining. Moving home has given her a new, or should I say renewed, sense of identity. For the first time in a long time, she feels like a daughter and a sister.


Our conversation rounds out with Brandi balancing all the feelings, accepting that grief and joy can co-exist.

More Expat Stories

In Episode 74, Brandi is a former Canadian abroad. Being an expat made her feel special, giving her a sense of identity and community. Listen to other episodes to hear a variety of expat experiences.

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