Is This Balancing? Is Every Choice Influenced by Culture?
Episode 37 - April 15th, 2021
For the last year, as I reached out to guests or considered topics of conversation,
one question kept coming up:
Is This Balancing?
Is this balancing CULTURES?
I believe, how we approach everything, even the little things like, do you make your toothbrush wet before the toothpaste or do you sleep with socks on, it is all linked to some type of influence.
The question is – is it from culture?
These thoughts typically start when my husband does something and I think:
Is that a ‘Finnish thing’, a ‘his family thing’, a ‘him thing’?
Is this a gender thing? A personality thing?
Is it circumstantial? Is it culture?
And with each of these questions I stumble on more and more questions…
Listen to hear more from slippery slope in my mind.
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